How to Turn Off Background App Refresh on iPhone 14: A Step-by-Step Guide

Turning off background app refresh on your iPhone 14 is a simple process that can help save battery life and reduce data usage. In just a few taps, you can prevent apps from refreshing content when you’re not using them. Ready to learn how? Let’s dive in!

Step by Step Tutorial: Turning Off Background App Refresh on iPhone 14

Before we begin, let’s clarify why you might want to turn off background app refresh. This feature allows apps to update content in the background when they’re not actively in use, which can drain your battery and consume data. By disabling it, you can potentially extend your battery life and keep your data usage in check.

Step 1: Open the Settings App

Open the Settings app on your iPhone 14 to access the necessary controls for background app refresh.

The Settings app is the gateway to all the customizable features on your iPhone. It’s represented by a gear icon and is typically found on your home screen. Once you open the app, you’ll find a list of options to adjust various settings on your device.

Step 2: Tap on General

Scroll down and tap on the “General” option to find the background app refresh settings.

The General section is where you can manage several foundational aspects of your iPhone’s system. It includes updates, device information, and other core settings that keep your iPhone running smoothly.

Step 3: Select Background App Refresh

Tap on “Background App Refresh” to view the available options for managing this feature.

In this section, you’ll see a list of apps with toggles next to them. These toggles allow you to control whether an app can refresh its content in the background.

Step 4: Choose Your Preferred Setting

You can turn off background app refresh for individual apps or disable it entirely by selecting “Off.”

If you only want to limit background refresh for certain apps, simply toggle those specific apps to the off position. If you want to disable background app refresh for all apps, choose the “Off” option at the top of the screen.

Once you’ve turned off background app refresh, your apps will no longer update content unless you’re actively using them. This could mean that some information might not be as up-to-date when you open an app, but it’s a small price to pay for the benefits of saving battery life and data.

Tips for Managing Background App Refresh on iPhone 14

  • Consider disabling background app refresh for apps that frequently update content, like social media or news apps.
  • Some apps may still refresh content when connected to Wi-Fi, even if you’ve turned off background app refresh. Keep this in mind if you’re trying to conserve data usage.
  • You can always re-enable background app refresh for specific apps if you find you’re missing out on important updates.
  • Remember that disabling background app refresh might affect the functionality of some apps, such as location-based services.
  • Check your battery usage in the Settings app to see which apps are consuming the most power. This can help you decide which apps to disable background app refresh for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will turning off background app refresh affect notifications?

No, turning off background app refresh will not affect your notifications. Apps will still send notifications even if their background app refresh is disabled.

Can I set background app refresh to only work on Wi-Fi?

Yes, you can set background app refresh to only work when your iPhone is connected to Wi-Fi. This can help reduce cellular data usage.

Will my apps stop working properly if I turn off background app refresh?

Most apps will continue to work properly without background app refresh. However, some may take longer to update content when you open them.

Is it possible to turn off background app refresh for all apps at once?

Yes, you can turn off background app refresh for all apps by selecting the “Off” option in the Background App Refresh settings.

How often should I check my background app refresh settings?

It’s a good idea to review your background app refresh settings periodically, especially if you notice a change in battery life or data usage.


  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Tap on General.
  3. Select Background App Refresh.
  4. Choose your preferred setting.


When it comes to managing your iPhone 14’s battery life and data usage, turning off background app refresh is a smart move. It’s an easy task that can make a significant difference in how your phone performs throughout the day. Remember, you have the power to control which apps refresh in the background, so take a moment to tailor these settings to your needs. And don’t worry, you can always adjust them later if you change your mind. Whether you’re trying to conserve battery for a long day ahead or keep your data usage in check, turning off background app refresh on your iPhone 14 is a simple yet effective solution. Give it a try and see how it benefits your iPhone experience!