How to Turn Off Tap to Wake on iPhone 14: A Step-by-Step Guide

Turning off the Tap to Wake feature on your iPhone 14 is a simple process that can help conserve battery life and prevent accidental screen activations. All you need to do is navigate to your Settings, find the Display & Brightness section, and toggle off the Tap to Wake option.

Step by Step Tutorial to Turn Off Tap to Wake on iPhone 14

Before we dive into the steps, let’s quickly discuss what we’re aiming to achieve. By turning off the Tap to Wake feature, you’re essentially telling your iPhone 14 not to wake up the screen when you tap it. This can be useful if you find your phone often lights up in your pocket or bag.

Step 1: Open Settings

The first thing you need to do is open the Settings app on your iPhone 14.

Once you’ve opened Settings, you’ll see a list of options. Settings is where you can change all sorts of preferences for your iPhone, so it’s a good place to know your way around.

Step 2: Scroll to Display & Brightness

Next, you will need to scroll down until you find the Display & Brightness section.

The Display & Brightness section is where you can adjust screen brightness, text size, and other visual options for your iPhone. It’s also where the Tap to Wake feature is located.

Step 3: Toggle Off Tap to Wake

Finally, look for the Tap to Wake option and toggle the switch to the off position.

When you toggle off Tap to Wake, the switch will turn from green to grey. This means that the feature is no longer active, and your screen will stay off when tapped.

After you complete the action of turning off Tap to Wake, your iPhone 14 will no longer respond to taps on the screen when it’s off. This means that you’ll need to press the side button to wake your iPhone instead.

Tips for Managing Tap to Wake on iPhone 14

  • Keep in mind that turning off Tap to Wake may affect how quickly you can access your phone.
  • If you’re worried about battery life, turning off Tap to Wake can help conserve power.
  • Consider turning off Tap to Wake if you find your phone’s screen turns on too easily in your pocket or bag.
  • If you miss the convenience, you can always turn Tap to Wake back on by following the same steps and toggling the switch on.
  • Remember that you can still use Raise to Wake to see your notifications without pressing any buttons.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will turning off Tap to Wake save battery life?

Yes, turning off Tap to Wake can help conserve battery life by preventing the screen from turning on accidentally.

Is there an alternative to Tap to Wake for quickly checking notifications?

Yes, you can use the Raise to Wake feature, which will turn on your screen when you lift your iPhone.

Can I turn Tap to Wake back on if I change my mind?

Absolutely, you can turn Tap to Wake back on at any time by following the same steps and toggling the switch to the on position.

Does turning off Tap to Wake affect other features like Face ID?

No, turning off Tap to Wake does not affect features like Face ID. Your iPhone will still unlock with Face ID when you press the side button to wake it up.

What if I can’t find the Tap to Wake option in my settings?

If you can’t find the Tap to Wake option, make sure your iPhone 14 is running the latest version of iOS, as the feature may not be available on older versions.


  1. Open Settings on your iPhone 14.
  2. Scroll to Display & Brightness.
  3. Toggle off Tap to Wake.


The Tap to Wake feature on the iPhone 14 is a nifty little tool that allows you to quickly check your notifications or the time. However, this convenience can come at the cost of accidental screen activations and decreased battery life. Thankfully, turning off Tap to Wake is as easy as pie, and doing so can help you gain more control over your phone’s behavior.

Whether you’re looking to save on battery life or prevent your phone from lighting up at the slightest touch, disabling Tap to Wake is worth considering. Just remember, if you miss the quick access to your phone’s display, you can always switch back with a few taps in your settings. Plus, there are alternatives like Raise to Wake that offer a happy medium between convenience and battery conservation.

Ultimately, personalizing your iPhone 14 to fit your lifestyle is what makes the user experience so satisfying. So go ahead, make the change, and see how it suits you. Remember, it’s your phone, your rules. And if you ever need to turn off Tap to Wake on iPhone 14, now you know exactly what to do.